Unit 3 Our animal friends culture time,cartoon time 教案 (含反思) 您所在的位置:网站首页 cartoon time英语教案 Unit 3 Our animal friends culture time,cartoon time 教案 (含反思)

Unit 3 Our animal friends culture time,cartoon time 教案 (含反思)

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Unit3 our animal friends第3课时(Culture time and Cartoon time)教案教学目标:1、能够听懂、会说、会读卡通故事中出现的词汇::fingers, hard, give,2. 能够流利地表达It has .. .. We have....的意思;3. 了解中国和主要英语国家的特有动物4 能够听懂、会说、会读日常用语:Ouch!5. 能够整体理解并简单表演卡通对话教学重难点:1.学生能正确理解、朗读Cartoon time中的故事,能读懂其中的趣味之处,能在教师的指导下表演故事;2. 能正确并熟练地运用本课词句简单介绍动物。教具准备:单词卡片,pptStep1. Warming up know learning aims T:Boys and girls, let’s have a look at today’s learning aims.The first one:I can talk about animals. The second one: I know the animals in some countries. The last one: I can understand and act the cartoon. 2.Free talk :Describe your animal friends. T:Do you have an animal friend S1:Yes, I do. T: Does it have four legs S1:Yes,it does. T: What can it do S1: It can run. T: Is it a dog S1:Yes,it is. 多喊几个学生,师生一问一答操练已学句型 Do you have an animal friend Does it have … What can it do Is it a … Review Story time T:I know many of you have animal friends and you can talk about animal friends very well.But do they have animal friends,too?(PPT出示课文中的四位朋友Nancy,Liu Tao,Yang Ling,Mike) Ss:Yes, they do. T: What animal friends do they have Do you remember Now let’s review Story time together.(PPT出示四个段落,学生填空) Step2: Presentation a.Culture time T:Good. I think all of you have a good memory of the text. Next let’s have a rest.Play a game:Magic Mind.(PPT出示图片) T:Boys and girls,pay attention to the learning tips:用所给提示进行提问,看谁能最快、最准地猜出所指动物名称。 用Is it... 进行提问 S1:Is it fat T: Yes,it is. S2:Is it black and white T: Yes, it is. It likes eating bamboos. What is it Ss: It’s a panda. T: Yes,well done.(朗读panda) 用Can it... 进行提问 S1:Can it dance? T:No,it can’t. S2: Can it swim T: No, it can’t. S3: Can it fly T: Yes, it can. What is it Ss: It’s a bird. T: Not exactly. It’s a bald eagle.(朗读bald eagle) 用Does it have... 进行提问 S1:Does it have small eyes T: Yes, it does. S2:Does it have a long tail T: Yes, it does. S3: Does it have short legs T: Yes,it does. S4: Does it have wings T: No, it doesn’t. S5: Does it have a big bag T: Yes, it does.What is it Ss: 袋鼠 T:Yes, it is a kangaroo.(朗读kangaroo) ppt出示谜面 It has a big body. It is white. It can swim. T:Do you know what is it (ppt显示北极熊的图片)It is a polar bear.(教授polar bear) 模仿刚才谜面的句型说说以上四种动物(panda,bald eagle,kangaroo,polar bear)给学生两分钟的时间练一练。请一两个学生站起来说一说。 Think and match T:Good. Let’s review the words together.(跟老师读pandas,bald eagles,polar bears,kangaroos)Now,boys and girls,I have a question:Where can you see theses animal friends There are four countries.Do you recognize these four countries.(一一教授朗读四个国家名Canada,the US,Australia,China.) OK.Let’s do the match(连线题,动物和国家,给学生短时间思考一下) T:Where can you see these animal friends?We can see...(ppt出示句型We can see...in...) S1:(引导学生说)We can see pandas in China. T:Excellent.Let’s say it together. T: Where can you see balds eagles S2: We can see balds eagles in the US. T: Well done. (全班一起说) T:What about polar bears S3: We can see polar bears in Canada. T: Good.(全班一起说) T: The last one:kangaroo.Let’s say it together. T/Ss: We can see kangaroos in Australia. Listen and repeat 听录音跟录音读Culture Time T:OK. Boys and girls,pay attention to the tips.(ppt出示tips,关于动物的文化知识) b. Cartoon time T:(ppt出示一张图片)There are many different animals in different countries. In Jing Jiang, we can see this animal.(ppt出示该动物的部分身体)Its body is hard and round. It’s big.I think many of you have eaten it. Do you know What it is Ss: 螃蟹。 T: Yes,it is a crab.(ppt出示螃蟹图片)Do you know whose animal friend it is (ppt出示Sam,Bobby 和螃蟹的图片) T/Ss: This crab is Bobby and Sam’s new friend. 1. Watch and answer T: Now I have a question “How many legs does the crab have ”Let’s watch the cartoon and answer me the question.(播放动画片) T:How many legs does the crab have? S1:It has eight legs. T: Anybody else S2:It has ten legs. T: Some of you have different opinions. Let’s have a look at it together.(ppt 出示课文中的图片3)From this picture,we can find the answer.(听录音跟录音读相关句子) 2. Read for the main idea and answer T:(指着螃蟹螯)So it has eight legs. Those are two arms. OK,boys and girls ,this time read the story by yourselves. Please read for the main idea and answer three questions. When you are reading, pay attention to the tips. (给学生时间自己阅读故事,找出答案) T: Are you OK The first question : Who finds the crab S1: Bobby. T: Good.From this part, we can know the answer.(ppt出示图片)学生跟录音读句子 T: Question2: What do they give to the crab S2: A cake. T: Good job.(PPT出示图片4,教授give并朗读) T: Question3 Why does the crab hurt Sam?(Bobby觉得螃蟹为什么要伤害Sam?) S3:Bobby觉得螃蟹喜欢Sam的手指 T: Well done. Bobby thinks that the crab likes Sam’s fingers.(ppt出示图片5,教授单词finger并朗读)学生听录音读句子。 Read in detail T: Read the text again, pay attention to the tips.(扫描关键词,然后填空。) 给学生时间再次读课文 T: OK. Who can do it 请两位学生读(教授单词its它的,朗读,同时区别it’s=it is) T:Let’s read it together. Discuss with partners(试着用It has… It can… 来介绍螃蟹吧。) 给学生时间讨论,请学生说一说。 Listen and read(听录音跟录音读课文) Read and act 学生两人一组选择一种方式读课文或者表演课文请三到四组学生表演 T:Now, I think all of you can read and act the Cartoon Time. Please remember animals are our good friends. Let's care about animals. Next enjoy some pictures(ppt出示图片) T:Today’s homework: 1.Listen, read and act the cartoon. 2. Finish ‘Draw and write’ on Book P35 .板书设计: Unit3 Our animal friends Animals Color Feature(特征) Abilities(能力) Panda black and white fat big Bald eagle two wings fly Kangaroo short legs jump a long tail a big bag Polar bear white a big body swim Crab a hard and round body run Eight legs two arms教后反思:本课的对话练习是一个重点和亮点,教师在对话教学中应围绕对话中的语言点,尽可能创设真实的交际情景,或者给一些提示语,增强语言实践的真实感,充分体现“以学生为中心”的教学理念。教师应设计有效的课堂教学活动,采用“先听说,后读写;先整体,后局部”的方法,引导学生进行发散思维,最大限度的发挥学生的主体性。在训练学生听说技能的同时,教师应注重培养学生灵活掌握知识、自然真实地进行交际的能力。但同时也有很多不足之处。再设计culture time时,我仅局限于课本上的四个国家特有的动物,没有给学生思考的空间,让他们在挖掘其他国家的标志性动物。疏忽了学生的主体地位。在教授Cartoon time时,我问了个问题“why does the crab hurt Sam’s fingers?”这个问题没有学生回答,我直接给出了答案,没有引导学生进一步的思考,其实这只是Crab交友的一种方式,并不是伤害Sam。在这方面没有充分发挥学生的主动性。下次要多加改进。








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